"Crik-IT saves me time by providing instant access to inventory, allowing me to give very accurate ETA's to my customers. Warranty Claims are also streamlined, saving me time. Through Crik-IT we can better provide the ultra-personalized customer service that we pride ourselves in! Our customers are impressed, and also expect, instant answers to their questions and Crik-IT helps us do this. "
the powerful portal that helps your B2B Customers sell better
Crik-IT makes it easier for your dealers / B2B customers to sell your products. With instant access to pertinent information you choose to show, even a new salesperson can quickly answer consumers' questions. And, harried business owners can enter warranty claims and submit orders on THEIR timetable rather than being limited to your operating hours. And, a HUGE benefit for your customers is that they can opt to use our Crik-Link tool to automatically update their own QuickBooks or Evosus systems when you have price updates or new product offerings, saving them hours & hours of data entry time.
Here are some examples of how Crik-IT helps your B2B
customers sell your products.
Note: to see images in full-size, right-click image and open in new tab.
With Crik-IT, your B2B customers can instantly access the information they need to answer consumer questions. No placing calls to the vendor, waiting for call back, and watching consumer walk out without having made the sale.

Once your B2B customer has a firm order in hand, they can enter that into Crik-IT themselves and it gets emailed to your order desk. Many of our subscribers opt to have the order entered automatically into their order system to further streamline the process.
Crik-IT has two different order entry looks. The first one is for businesses that have related items. The focus here is to ensure that add-on sales are increased and important related items are not forgotten on the order. The second order entry look is focused on ease of use and speed.
We work with you during the implementation process to determine which order entry option will be best for your business.
Order Entry Option 1 - Focus is on making sure related items are not forgotten and increasing add-on sales.

Order Entry Option 2 - Easy lookup by item number or description. Optimized for order entry speed.