Crik-Link for Evosus
Crik-Link allows dealers to automatically download updated information from Crik-IT (such as vendor price updates) into their own Evosus system, saving hours and hours of time and protecting their sales margins.
Take a look at this video to see how Crik-Link works with Evosus. Or take a look at the screenshots below.

Automatically add items to your item list in Evosus from Crik-IT.

Automatically update prices, costs, and descriptions from Crik-IT when your vendor has changed their prices.

Contact Evosus Software to determine requirements for using Crik-Link for Evosus
- Crik-Link is an annual subscription. $95 / year / vendor.
- A separate subscription is required for each Crik-IT vendor you wish to use Crik-Link with
- There are no refunds for mid-year cancellation
- To keep our subscription fee as low as possible, support is not included. You can purchase technical support instances at $95 per instance. If the problem turns out to be a Crik-Link bug, you won't be charged for the technical support.